How Bio-energy Healing Changed My Life
Are you interested in a holistic approach to healing? Read on to learn about Bio-energy Healing, how it helped me heal and what I’ve witnessed in others who’ve experienced it.
What is Bio-energy Healing?
"Bio-energy", often called qi (chi), refers to the life energy that runs through and around your body. It connects all of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects to each other, and to the universe.
Bio-energy Healing is a holistic treatment that improves the flow of life force energy to help you access a calm mind, a lighter mood and more inspiration.
How Bio-energy Healing Work?
When energy flows freely, we feel healthy. If stress builds up in the body, it disrupts this flow and can lead to illness, physical and emotional pain, and low energy. By identifying and clearing the blocks in the energy field, the energy flow is restored, allowing your body to heal itself naturally.
Bioenergy healing works by balancing and clearing the body's own energy system, the Chakra system, which corresponds to the major organs and glands of the body.
The blocks are simply feelings and thoughts we’ve held onto rather than experiencing fully because it was too painful. These blocks tend to show up in the corresponding chakra. We can gain so much insight on what we’re here to learn from the affected chakras so blocks should be seen as the wise teacher inside you.
Bio-energy Healing in action
My Life Before Bio-energy Healing
I found Bio-energy Healing at a time when I felt lost as a new mom. I was juggling motherhood, my career and a growing dissatisfaction with life. I was exhausted and felt trapped in my work and home life. I never made time for myself and when I did, I used it to binge Netflix and look aimlessly at my phone. I was searching for something I couldn’t put my finger on.
It took me awhile to work up the courage to invest in my first session because back then, my old self felt guilty spending on something that wasn’t practical. Little did I know that when I decided I was worth investing in, the universe would step in and help me.
My First Experience with Bio-energy Healing
At my first session I had no idea what to expect. Standing with my eyes closed, I felt a wave of sadness, back pain, and at one point I lost my balance and felt like I was being pulled forward. I opened my eyes and saw the practitioner across the room “pulling” something out of me. Holy shit, this is real, I thought.
I left that session feeling a little more optimistic and it sparked my interest enough to do the practitioner training.
Training While Healing
Over the course of 10 months I trained to be a facilitator, which included a 2-week intensive in Costa Rica and case studies following that.
In that time, so much healing happened. I grieved the freedom I lost as a mother, I faced childhood trauma I kept a secret, and eczema on my wrists vanished overnight after 2 years of it mysteriously appearing. There were so many layers to my healing that included ancestral trauma.
A “pinch me” moment at my training in Costa Rica
An Empowering Birth
I found out I was pregnant again 2 days before leaving for my training in Costa Rica. Bio-energy helped me address the layers of feelings I had related to suppressed sexual trauma. It helped me feel safe in my body for the first time—something I didn’t have during my first birth which ended up in c-section.
I was able to have a non-medicated vaginal birth after c-section (VBAC) and I had the inner strength and support I didn’t have the first time around. It was a moment in my life I’ll never forget.
I believe Bio-energy can help pregnant women and parents find inner peace so they can give from a full cup. Healing ourselves is the best gift we can give our children.
We did it! Theo and I after a VBAC.
What I’ve Witnessed in Others after Bio-energy Healing
I’ve been blessed to watch miracles unfold in others, whether it’s during our time together or many months after.
After hundreds of sessions, some things I’ve seen are:
A burnt-out CEO overcoming stage 4 pancreatic cancer and becoming the 1% medical miracle
A business owner healing depression having the best financial year during the pandemic
A children’s author opening her heart and watching her book skyrocket to #1 on Amazon
Many parents finding peace and more patience with their kids
The confidence to change careers and even relocate
More playfulness and clarity of life purpose in all walks of life
Bio-energy Healing vs Reiki: What’s the Difference?
As someone who also went through Reiki training and had sessions, the main difference is Bio-energy Healing is a more active experience since you’re standing and Reiki is delivered in stillness while you lie down. Action and stillness are 2 wings on the same bird but it just depends on what you connect with.
As a practitioner I love flow and movement so I connect with Bio-energy Healing more but I’ve had amazing Reiki sessions from skilled practitioners. I talk more about the differences here.
I personally prefer Craniosacral Therapy as my tool for stillness—both as a practitioner and client because it’s deeply restorative and it’s a joy to facilitate.
Ready to Try Bio-energy Healing?
I offer in-person sessions in White Rock, BC and online sessions. If you’d like to learn more about my offerings, click here.
If you’d like to find someone in your area, check out the practitioner directory.