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10 Business Lessons from a 3/5 Manifesting Generator
Human Design has been a game changer in how I structured my business to thrive on so many levels. In this article I share the mistakes and invaluable lessons I made in a 6-month experiment as a solopreneur through the flavor of the 3/5 lens.

The Power of Seasonal Planning: Aligning Your Life with Natural Cycles
Unlock the Power of Seasonal Planning: Align Your Life with Nature’s Rhythms
Seasonal planning helps you align personal, creative, and business projects with nature’s cycles—embracing periods of growth, rest, and renewal. Unlike traditional goal-setting, this mindful approach fosters flexibility, balance, and ease. Learn how 90-day cycles can keep your plans relevant and adaptable while honoring your energy levels. Discover simple steps, journaling prompts, and rituals to create a seasonal plan that supports your well-being and productivity. Ready to work with life’s rhythms instead of against them? Explore the benefits of seasonal planning today!

Bio-Energy Healing vs Reiki: Key Differences Explained
Discover the key differences between Bio-Energy Healing and Reiki, two powerful holistic modalities for transformation and healing. Learn how each practice works, their unique benefits, and which one might be right for you. Whether you prefer active participation or deep stillness, this guide will help you make an informed choice.

Healing from Eczema: A True Story of Transformation
I’m here to share my own healing story about how I went from being an exhausted new mom to a mother that prioritizes my well-being and passions as a way to help others, including my family.

Autumn Journal Questions: A Ritual to Align with Nature

The Spiritual Meaning of Autumn
Discover the many spiritual meanings of Autumn and how to align with the energy of this season.

My Journey with Breathwork and Why I Love It
Often the simplest, most accessible tools offer us the greatest transformation. Breathwork is an invitation to connect deeply with our body to release stress and experience powerful breakthroughs.

Resource Library
Here you’ll find a collection of my favourite books and websites to help you on your journey of self-discovery.

13 Things I Wish I Learned Growing Up
We don’t have an official Hogwarts or Jedi School yet so I did a fun reflection on the things I plan to teach my kids. I believe if we create a solid foundation in these areas, our children will have a reliable compass throughout life.
These days kids are so busy with extracurriculars and academics. Let’s not forget to plant some of these seeds in between. And parents, these reminders are for you too! I sure need them.

Healing from Pancreatic Cancer: A True Story of Transformation
I met Troy Firth, CEO and father, just weeks after his diagnosis with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and he’s nothing short of a medical miracle and a true inspiration. Troy is part of the 1% that has not only survived from this type of cancer, but is a better person today because of it. Read on to hear his incredible story.

How Bio-energy Healing Changed My Life
"Bio-energy", often called qi (chi), refers to the life energy that runs through and around your body. It connects all of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects to each other, and to the universe.
Bio-energy Healing is a holistic treatment that improves the flow of life force energy to help you access a calm mind, a lighter mood and more inspiration.

Why Cacao is Part of My Daily Ritual
Interested in the benefits of cacao and making it part of your daily ritual? In this post I’ll share my experience with cacao, the benefits, how to create your own ritual, what to look for when buying cacao, and my suggestion on where to purchase it.

Healing from Vision Loss: A True Story of Transformation
My client and friend Sara Jaswal shares her incredible story about how she reversed much of her vision loss with a condition named Gyrate Atrophy and discovered herself and a new, fulfilling career along the way.

8 Reasons to Keep a Daily Journal
Did school essays leave a bad experience of writing with you? I loved creative writing as a kid until it felt forced. When we journal without agenda or expectation, we can appreciate writing as an outlet for spiritual and creative growth. Read on to learn why keeping a daily journal is so valuable.

The Weekly Design Practice: A Free Printable Planning Template
It’s easy to get lost in the busyness of life and leave little time for what matters most. Often we’re not sure what to prioritize. The Weekly Design is a free 11" x 17" planning template that helps you create space for the things that matter.

Discover Your Values: A How-to Guide
Values are a set of principles that are most important to us. They represent what we’re here to stand for to uphold our idea of truth and love. After answering these 5 questions, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of what’s most important to you and topics you may want to explore further.

How to Muscle Test Yourself for Self-Healing
You’ll learn what muscle testing is and find the method that works best for self testing, along with troubleshooting tips and further resources.

5 Sentences That Will Transform Your Life
Let’s face it. Life gets busy and we inevitably get pulled in many directions. The problem is we often stay busy doing things that keep us from meaningful experiences. For most of us that’s creating relationships and using our gifts to help others. Here’s a simple way to ensure you don’t forget the important stuff—whatever that is for you. Read on to learn how to stay focused on the big picture and prioritize your week.

The Body Scan: Reset Your Nervous System
You’ve probably heard that emotions and stress can delay healing but you’ve never learned a practical way to deal with your feelings. If there’s one thing that can help, this is it. The body scan exercise is the simplest way to start to connect with yourself and reset your nervous system. You’ll learn to move energy in its most obvious form—sensations.

What the Heart Organ Reveals About Heart-Centred Living
You’ve probably heard the saying “live a heart-centred life.” But what exactly does that mean? We’ve all heard about the spiritual heart and the importance of love but for many it stays a mental concept rather than a felt experience. Read on to learn how this mysterious organ can reconnect us to our spiritual heart and reveal the meaning of “heart-centred living”.