Bio-Energy Healing vs Reiki: Key Differences Explained

Margaret Pineda Bioenergy

I'm often asked if Bio-energy Healing is similar to Reiki. As someone who’s trained in both, I can say the experience itself is very different, but both can offer transformation and healing. Read on to learn more about the differences between these two holistic healing modalities.

3 Ways Bio-energy Healing and Reiki Are Different

#1:  In Bio-energy, the client stands, while in Reiki, the client lies down.

Because you’re standing during Bio-energy, you’re less likely to fall asleep and can participate more in the session simply by being consciously aware. You also have the freedom to move your body as needed, which can help you stay connected to the sensations that arise as a result of the energy flow.

In Reiki, you may find yourself entering a very deep, meditative state because you’re lying down. I’ve personally had different Reiki experiences—some restorative and dream-like, others active and uplifting.

#2: Bio-energy embodies movement, while Reiki embodies stillness.

Just as life is made up of both movement and stillness, both modalities have their place depending on what you connect with as either the practitioner or client.

In Bio-energy, the practitioner uses hand gestures (think of it as massage for the soul) to move energy all around the client. You’ll often hear sounds of “clearing” as the practitioner swipes their palms together.

In Reiki, the practitioner channels a specific frequency of energy with their hands positioned over different areas of the body while the client lies face up. Generally, the practitioner’s hands remain still during this process.

There’s also a portion of Bio-energy where the practitioner channels energy in stillness, allowing the client to sit down and relax. In that sense, it offers a wider range of experiences.

Both modalities are transformative, and I’ve been blessed to experience both under skilled practitioners. Since I’m drawn to movement as a practitioner, I now only practice Bio-energy Healing. However, as a client, I have seasons where I crave either stillness or movement.

Bio-energy Healing in action

#3: Bio-energy is hands-off for about 70% of the session, while Reiki is mostly hands-on.

The beauty of no-touch during Bio-energy is that it encourages you to go within and focus on your own experience while still feeling connected to the energy flow. However, if grounding and nurturing touch is important to you, Reiki may be more appealing.

Bioenergy vs Reiki - Key Differences

A Note on Distance Sessions

For distance sessions, you would typically be lying down for both Bio-energy and Reiki. In this setting, the two modalities can feel similar and equally transformative, at least in my experience.

What’s Right For You?

In summary, Bio-energy Healing can offer more active participation because you’re standing and free to move, while Reiki can provide stillness and deep restoration. It ultimately comes down to your personal preferences as a client or practitioner, and I encourage you to try both to experience them firsthand.

Ready to Try Bio-energy Healing?

I offer in-person sessions in White Rock, BC. If you’d like to learn more about my offerings, click here. If you’d like to find someone in your area, check out the practitioner directory.


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