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How to Muscle Test Yourself for Self-Healing
You’ll learn what muscle testing is and find the method that works best for self testing, along with troubleshooting tips and further resources.

The Body Scan: Reset Your Nervous System
You’ve probably heard that emotions and stress can delay healing but you’ve never learned a practical way to deal with your feelings. If there’s one thing that can help, this is it. The body scan exercise is the simplest way to start to connect with yourself and reset your nervous system. You’ll learn to move energy in its most obvious form—sensations.

What the Heart Organ Reveals About Heart-Centred Living
You’ve probably heard the saying “live a heart-centred life.” But what exactly does that mean? We’ve all heard about the spiritual heart and the importance of love but for many it stays a mental concept rather than a felt experience. Read on to learn how this mysterious organ can reconnect us to our spiritual heart and reveal the meaning of “heart-centred living”.

What Your Thyroid Might be Telling You: A Holistic Perspective
In this article we’ll look at the thyroid through a holistic lens. You’ll learn about: The throat chakra: the energy center associated with the thyroid , How trauma blocks the flow of energy, What your body can teach you about healing, The thyroid as an intelligent living library, Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism through a holistic lens, How to care for your well-being while healing your thyroid .

How I Healed Eczema and Found My Passion
What I learned during my two year journey with anxiety and burnout as a new mom to healing my body, mastering my energy, and reigniting my creativity.